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When was the last time you listened to over-the-air FM radio? There are so many options on the internet for listening to thousands of different radio stations in many different genres and for downloading a lot of music for free.

您上次收听无线调频广播是什么时候? 互联网上有很多选择,可以收听成千上万种不同流派的广播电台,以及免费下载大量音乐。

We’ve collected some of the best websites for listening to internet radio and for downloading and streaming free music.


网络广播 (Internet Radio)

There are many sites that offer many radio stations from which you can pick, in all kinds of different genres. Some are completely free and some have both free and paid options.

有许多站点提供各种类型的许多广播电台供您选择。 有些是完全免费的,有些则具有免费和付费选项。

潘多拉 (Pandora)

allows you to enter the name of a song, artist, or genre you like and the Music Genome Project scans its entire database of music that has been analyzed using up to 450 distinct musical characteristics by a trained music analyst. Songs with interesting musical similarities to the song, artist, or genre you entered are presented to you, allowing you to discover new music that fits in with your musical preferences and moods. Pandora also offers comedy and allows you to create up to 100 unique “stations” that you can refine over time.

允许您输入喜欢的歌曲,艺术家或流派的名称,Music Genome Project会扫描其整个音乐数据库,该数据库已由受过训练的音乐分析师使用多达450种不同的音乐特征进行了分析。 呈现与您输入的歌曲,艺术家或流派具有有趣的音乐相似性的歌曲,使您可以发现符合您的音乐喜好和心情的新音乐。 潘多拉(Pandora)还提供喜剧片,并允许您创建多达100个独特的“工作站”,您可以随着时间的推移对其进行完善。

The free version of Pandora is ad-supported. If you would prefer to listen to radio without audio or visual ads, you can sign up for ($36 per year or $3.99 for one month) to enjoy your music without ads. Pandora One also allows you to listen for up to five hours in a row without having to interact with Pandora at all. When you do interact with Pandora, the timer is reset.

Pandora的免费版本受广告支持。 如果您想收听不带音频或视频广告的广播,则可以注册 (每年36美元或一个月3.99美元),欣赏不带广告的音乐。 Pandora One还可以让您连续收听多达五个小时,而无需与Pandora进行交互。 当您与Pandora互动时,计时器将重置。


Last.fm (Last.fm)

 is a music recommendation service. Sign up and download their software, The Scrobbler, which helps you discover other music based on the type of music you choose to play. The Scrobbler updates your library with music you’ve been listening to on your computer, phone, or music player and tells Last.fm what songs you like most, which ones you play most, how often you play a specific artist, as well as other information that helps them personalized recommendations just for you.

是音乐推荐服务。 注册并下载他们的软件The Scrobbler,该软件可根据您选择播放的音乐类型帮助您发现其他音乐。 Scrobbler会使用您在计算机,电话或音乐播放器上一直在听的音乐来更新您的音乐库,并告诉Last.fm最喜欢的歌曲,最喜欢的歌曲,播放特定艺术家的频率以及其他有助于他们为您提供个性化推荐的信息。

You can also  from Last.fm and get involved in the Last.fm community where you discuss music you love with other Last.fm listeners, tag tracks, and learn what’s new and hot. Last.fm is also available for iPhone and Android devices.

您还从Last.fm ,并加入Last.fm社区,在该社区中,您可以与其他Last.fm收听者讨论自己喜欢的音乐,标记曲目,并了解最新和热门。 Last.fm也可用于iPhone和Android设备。


尖叫电台 (Screamer Radio)

is a freeware program that allows you to download and listen to any of over 4000 regional and internet radio stations. The software contains a large database of radio stations and you can record what you’re listening to. It’s ad-free and they claim it has no spyware. You can keep the program out of the way by hiding it in the system tray. Screamer Radio is also available in a portable version. See our review about .

是一个免费软件,可让您下载和收听4000多个区域和互联网广播电台中的任何一个。 该软件包含一个庞大的广播电台数据库,您可以记录正在收听的内容。 它没有广告,他们声称它没有间谍软件。 您可以通过将程序隐藏在系统托盘中来使其免受干扰。 Screamer Radio也有便携式版本。 请参阅有关评论。


Playlist.com (Playlist.com)

 offers millions of songs from which you can create millions of different playlists. Discover new music and connect with like-minded listeners and friends to see what they listen to and share your playlists with them.

提供数百万首歌曲,您可以从中创建数百万首不同的播放列表。 发现新音乐并与志趣相投的听众和朋友联系,以了解他们听的内容并与他们分享您的播放列表。


SHOUTcast广播目录 (SHOUTcast Radio Directory)

 is a directory listing over 45,000 music, talk, sports, and community radio stations from the U.S. and around the world. You can listen to a station while still exploring other stations. The stations are organized into categories to make it easy to find the style of music you like, and you can also search for your favorite songs and artists playing across the network of stations.

是一个目录,列出了来自美国和世界各地的超过45,000个音乐,谈话,体育和社区广播电台。 您可以在收听其他电台的同时收听该电台。 电台按类别进行组织,以便轻松查找所需的音乐风格,还可以搜索在电台网络中播放的喜爱的歌曲和艺术家。


懒人个人电台 (Slacker Personal Radio)

 allows you to listen to personalized, custom music, news, sports, and comedy stations for free and listen everywhere. The stations are programmed by DJs that are experts in their specific genres. Their knowledge and your own personal taste are used to create radio stations that are perfectly customized for you.

使您可以免费收听个性化的自定义音乐,新闻,体育和喜剧电台,并在任何地方收听。 这些电台由DJ进行编程,这些DJ是特定类型的专家。 他们的知识和个人喜好可用来创建为您量身定制的广播电台。

You can also subscribe to Slacker at two different levels: Slacker Radio Plus ($3.99/month) and Slacker Premium Radio ($9.99/month). They offer extra features such as no ads, the ability to cache stations on your mobile phone’s memory card, and unlimited song skips. The Premium service allows you to plays songs and albums on demand, cache albums and playlists as well as stations, and create your own playlists.

您还可以在两个不同级别订阅Slacker:Slacker Radio Plus(每月3.99美元)和Slacker Premium Radio(每月9.99美元)。 它们提供了额外的功能,例如没有广告,能够在手机的存储卡上缓存电台以及无限制地跳过歌曲。 高级服务使您可以按需播放歌曲和专辑,缓存专辑和播放列表以及电台,并创建自己的播放列表。


直播365 (Live365)

 offers a wide-reaching radio network of high-quality, streaming music, talk, and audio in more than 260 genres. The Live365 radio network streams music from artists like Pat Metheny, Johnny Cash, and Carlos Santana. They also offer access to public radio stations and stations programmed in many different styles by individual DJs. Live365 allows individual artists and organizations an easy platform for promoting their music and creating their own internet radio stations.

提供了覆盖260多种流派的高质量,流式音乐,语音和音频的广泛广播网络。 Live365广播网络播放Pat Metheny,Johnny Cash和Carlos Santana等艺术家的音乐。 它们还提供对公共广播电台和各个DJ编程为许多不同样式的电台的访问。 Live365为单个艺术家和组织提供了一个轻松的平台,用于推广他们的音乐并创建自己的互联网广播电台。

You can become a  to have access to additional features, such as commercial-free music and the ability to listen to Live365 from compatible mobile devices. You have a choice of a 3-month subscription ($7.95/month paid every 3 months), a 6-month subscription ($6.95/month paid every 6 months), or a 1-year subscription ($5.95/month paid yearly). Part of the subscription fee you pay gets paid out as royalties to the artists whose music is played on Live365.

您可以成为以使用其他功能,例如无商业广告的音乐以及从兼容的移动设备收听Live365的功能。 您可以选择3个月的订阅(每3个月支付$ 7.95 /月),6个月的订阅(每6个月支付$ 6.95 /月)或1年的订阅(每年$ 5.95 /月支付)。 您所支付的部分订阅费用将作为在使用Live365播放音乐的艺术家的版税中支付。


天空 (SKY.fm)

is a multi-channel internet radio service that offers streaming music in over 50 different genres. You can listen for free or upgrade to  for high-quality audio streams, completely commercial-free music, and the ability to listen in multiple software programs on your PC, in your browser, and on your mobile device.

是一种多频道互联网广播服务,可提供50多种不同流派的流音乐。 您可以免费收听或升级到 ,以高质量的音频流,完全免费的音乐,并可以在PC,浏览器和移动设备上收听多个软件程序。


斯图玛 (Streema)

offers a radio directory of over 20,000 stations in every  from around the world. The directory is ranked by popularity, so you can easily see what stations are the most popular among the Streema listeners. Use a web interface to find your favorite radio stations and the top new songs and playlists. Once you sign up for free, you can create a list of your favorite radio stations, invite some friends, and discover new music. As of the writing of this article, Streema claims that mobile apps are coming soon so you’ll be able to stream music from their site on your iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, Android, BlackBerry, among other mobile phones.

提供了来自世界各地每种 20,000多个电台的广播目录。 该目录按受欢迎程度排名,因此您可以轻松查看Streema侦听器中最受欢迎的电台。 使用网络界面查找您喜欢的广播电台以及热门的新歌曲和播放列表。 免费注册后,您可以创建自己喜欢的广播电台的列表,邀请一些朋友并发现新音乐。 截至本文撰写时,Streema声称移动应用程序即将推出,因此您可以在iPhone,iPad,iPod Touch,Android,BlackBerry和其他移动电话上通过其网站流式播放音乐。


Spotify (Spotify)

 offers legal, free access to a large library of music you can listen to on your computer, iPhone, and iPad using their downloadable streaming music player. Sign up for a free account, login, listen to millions of tracks, and save the songs you love to your Spotify playlists.

提供合法免费的大型音乐库访问权限,您可以使用可下载的流式音乐播放器在计算机,iPhone和iPad上收听这些音乐。 注册一个免费帐户,登录,收听数百万首曲目,然后将您喜欢的歌曲保存到Spotify播放列表中。

Even with access to millions of tracks, you may get tired of listening to your favorite bands over and over again. Spotify’s recommendation engine can help you find other artists similar to what you’ve been listening to or to suit a specific mood. Their Related artist feature is another way to discover artists you just might love. When listening to one of the top artists on Spotify, you’ll see a list of artists that other fans of the current artist listen to on the Related artists tab. You might just find your new favorite band.

即使可以访问数百万首曲目,您也可能会厌倦一遍又一遍地听自己喜欢的乐队。 Spotify的推荐引擎可以帮助您找到其他与您听过的歌手相似或适合特定心情的歌手。 他们的“相关艺术家”功能是发现您可能喜欢的艺术家的另一种方法。 在Spotify上聆听顶级歌手之一时,您会在“相关歌手”标签上看到当前歌手的其他粉丝所收听的歌手列表。 您可能会发现自己最喜欢的乐队。

Spotify is free, but there are also paid subscriptions options: Unlimited ($4.99/month) and Premium ($9.99/month). Both subscriptions options offer ad-free listening and the Premium option also offers an offline mode for your desktop and mobile phone, the ability to stream millions of tracks from the Spotify library as well as radio, and enhanced sound quality.

Spotify是免费的,但也有付费订阅选项:无限制(每月4.99美元)和高级(每月9.99美元)。 两种订阅选项均提供无广告收听,而高级选项还为台式机和手机提供了离线模式,能够从Spotify库和广播流中数百万首曲目,并提高了声音质量。


简吾 (Jango)

is an internet radio site that allows you to create and share custom radio stations based on artists or genres. Search for an artist or select a genre and your station begins to play right away. You not only get the music you like but also similar favorites of other Jango listeners who share your taste. Customize your stations by adding more artists and rate the songs, indicating which ones you want to play more often than others.

是一个互联网广播网站,可让您基于艺术家或体裁创建和共享自定义广播电台。 搜索艺术家或选择流派,您的电台立即开始播放。 您不仅会获得喜欢的音乐,而且会得到其他分享您品味的Jango听众的喜爱。 通过添加更多艺术家并给歌曲评分来自定义您的电台,以指示您要比其他人更经常播放。

Share your stations with other Jango listeners and tune in to other people’s stations.



金枪鱼广播电台 (Radio Tuna)

is a real-time search engine for online radio that profiles stations based on the music they actually play and not only say they play. The data from thousands of streaming stations is processed in real time. Two databases, created by thousands of individuals contributing for free through and , contain data used to work out what is being played on every stream found. Use Radio Tuna to spend more time listening to your favorite music and less time searching for it.

是在线广播的实时搜索引擎,它根据电台实际播放的音乐来对其电台进行配置,而不仅仅是说电台在播放音乐。 来自数千个流媒体站的数据被实时处理。 由数以千计的通过和免费贡献的个人创建的两个数据库,包含的数据用于计算找到的每个流中正在播放的内容。 使用Radio Tuna可以将更多的时间花在聆听您喜欢的音乐上,而花费的时间更少。


Grooveshark (Grooveshark)

is a large, on-demand music streaming and discover service used by 30 million people. Listen to your favorite music, create your own playlists, discover new music. Share your music and discoveries with your friends through Facebook, Twitter, and other social media sites. You can also to Grooveshark Plus ($6.00/month) so you can listen ad-free or to Grooveshark Anywhere ($9.00/month) so you can take Grooveshark with you on your phone and other mobile devices.

是一项大型的点播音乐流和发现服务, 3000万人使用。 聆听您喜欢的音乐,创建自己的播放列表,发现新音乐。 通过Facebook,Twitter和其他社交媒体网站与您的朋友分享您的音乐和发现。 您还可以到Grooveshark Plus(每月6.00美元),以便您可以收听无广告,也可以到Grooveshark Anywhere(每月9.00美元),以便可以在手机和其他移动设备上随身携带Grooveshark。


索玛FM (SomaFM)

is a listener-supported, commercial-free internet-only radio station that gets over 5.8 million “listener hours” a month. Their goal is to expose their listeners to great new music not found on commercial radio.

是一个收听者支持的,免费的,仅限互联网的广播电台,每月可获得580万“收听时间”。 他们的目标是使听众接触到商业广播中没有的伟大的新音乐。


艺术家电台在线 (Artist Radio Online)

allows you to listen to free internet radio stations designed and DJ’d by your favorite artists. The stations play directly in your browser; you do not need to download any software. Listen to free streaming music for as long as you want.

允许您收听由喜爱的艺术家设计和DJ制作的免费网络广播电台。 电台直接在浏览器中播放; 您无需下载任何软件。 随意听免费的流音乐。


杰利 (Jelli)

is an online streaming radio service that allows its community of listeners to determine what gets played. Interact with the live radio broadcast to decide what plays. Check out the Jelli stations, choose one, and tune in. Listen to what’s playing and voice your opinion real-time about the current song by hitting Rock if you like it or Sucks if you don’t. If enough people say a song Sucks, it gets pulled off the air.

是一种在线流广播服务,它允许其听众社区确定播放了什么。 与直播广播互动以决定播放什么。 查看Jelli电台,选择其中一个电台,然后收听。聆听正在播放的音乐,并通过单击Rock(如果喜欢)或Sucks(如果喜欢)来实时表达对当前歌曲的意见。 如果有足够多的人说一首歌曲《 Sucks》,那么它就会停止播放。


无线电? 当然! (Radio? Sure!)

is an application that allows you to listen to any of over 17,000 online radio stations and easily record multiple stations simultaneously (up to two at a time in the free version) and package them into separate song files. The software automatically checks for updates to the software itself and to the radio stations and supports most of the internet radio formats.

是一个应用程序,可让您收听超过17,000个在线广播电台中的任何一个,并轻松地同时录制多个电台(在免费版本中一次最多录制两个电台)并将它们打包成单独的歌曲文件。 该软件会自动检查软件本身和广播电台的更新,并支持大多数Internet广播格式。

A Pro version of the software is available for $9.99 ($7.99 until the end of July 2012) that provides additional features such as the ability to record up to 10 stations simultaneously, automatic updating of the stations database daily (rather than every seven days), the ability to block the recording of ads, and record full songs from the very beginning.



可下载和流音乐 (Downloadable and Streaming Music)

If you prefer to select specific tracks to stream or to download separate music tracks and listen to them offline, here are some websites offering free music files.


免费音乐档案 (Free Music Archive)

The is an interactive library of high-quality, free, legal audio downloads. The FMA library is freely available to the public. You do not have to register to download music, but, if you do, you can create your own playlists to keep track of music you discover and participate in discussions.

是高质量,免费,合法音频下载的交互式库。 FMA库免费向公众开放。 您无需注册即可下载音乐,但是如果您这样做,则可以创建自己的播放列表来跟踪发现的音乐并参与讨论。

You can also use the music on FMA in podcasts, videos, or other forms of digital publishing.



亚马逊免费MP3歌曲和其他内容 (Amazon Free MP3 Songs and Extras)

You may not have realized, but you can even find free MP3 files for download on . They have over 1,000 tracks available for free in such genres as Rock, Alternative Rock, Classical, and Pop.

您可能还没有意识到,但是您甚至可以找到免费的MP3文件以在下载。 他们有1000多种曲目可供免费使用,包括摇滚,另类摇滚,古典和流行音乐。

NOTE: The free MP3 files available on Amazon are only for U.S. residents with a U.S. Amazon account.



Google Play免费音乐 (Google Play Free Music)

also offers free MP3 songs, featuring new free tracks every day. Add them to your Google Play library so you can instantly access them from any web browser or your mobile device.

还提供免费的MP3歌曲,每天都有新的免费曲目。 将它们添加到您的Google Play库中,以便您可以立即从任何网络浏览器或移动设备访问它们。


音乐绿洲 (Music Oasis)

is a software program that provides access to a library of high-quality, non-DRM, MP3 files for you to stream or download for use with any music player. Music Oasis is completely free and there are no restrictions when downloading or streaming music from their library.

( 是一种软件程序,可访问高质量的非DRM MP3文件库,供您流式传输或下载以与任何音乐播放器一起使用。 音乐绿洲是完全免费的,从其音乐库下载音乐或以流媒体播放音乐没有任何限制。

However, Music Oasis is ad-supported. During the installation of Music Oasis, you are offered additional software from their partners. These offers are free to download and are 100% optional.

但是,音乐绿洲是广告支持的。 在安装Music Oasis期间,他们的合作伙伴会为您提供其他软件。 这些优惠可免费下载,并且是100%可选的。


熊股 (BearShare)

is a website that allows you to download over 15 million songs and videos, legally and for free. Use their software to download music and video from other peers for free or to buy songs not available for free. BearShare offers some premium content only available if you subscribe to BearShare Premium. In addition, the BearShare ToGo subscription allows you to transfer BearShare music to your on an unlimited basis.

是一个网站,可让您免费合法下载超过1500万首歌曲和视频。 使用他们的软件免费从其他同伴下载音乐和视频,或购买免费的歌曲。 BearShare提供一些高级内容,仅在您订阅BearShare Premium时可用。 此外,通过BearShare ToGo订阅,您可以无限制地将BearShare音乐传输到 。

You must register to use BearShare, but it’s free and allows you to access to millions of songs to download, use state of the art search tools and other features such as the ability to browse the enormous library by different genres, artists, moods and more so you can discover new music. Each artist’s page provides details about the artist and a discography you can download.

您必须注册才能使用BearShare,但它是免费的,并且允许您访问数百万首歌曲以下载,使用最新的搜索工具和其他功能,例如能够按不同流派,艺术家,喜好来浏览巨大的图书馆等。这样您就可以发现新音乐。 每个艺术家的页面提供有关艺术家的详细信息以及可以下载的唱片。


网格 (iMesh)

is a file sharing software program that gives you free and legal access to over 15 million songs and videos. Sync your music with your iPod, listen to a personalized DJ station of your favorite artists, or discover playlists and albums for new artists.

是一个文件共享软件程序,可让您免费合法地访问1500万首歌曲和视频。 将您的音乐与iPod同步,聆听您喜欢的艺术家的个性化DJ电台,或发现新艺术家的播放列表和专辑。


声音点击 (SoundClick)

is a free music community featuring signed and unsigned bands and state of the art social media tools. They offer free member profile pages, mp3 downloads, streaming audio and video, music charts, custom radio stations, a proprietary music store, message boards, and more.

是一个免费的音乐社区,具有签名和未签名的乐队以及最先进的社交媒体工具。 他们提供免费的会员个人资料页面,mp3下载,流音频和视频,音乐排行榜,自定义广播电台,专有音乐商店,留言板等。

More than 60,000 new songs and more than 6,000 new bands are approved every month. That makes it easy to find tons of great full-length songs and bands. All songs on SoundClick are available in streaming audio in up to near CD quality and most of the songs are also available as free, legal MP3 downloads.

每个月都会批准60,000多首新歌和6,000多个新乐队。 这样一来,您就可以轻松找到大量出色的全长歌曲和乐队。 SoundClick上的所有歌曲都可以以接近CD的质量以流音频的形式提供,并且大多数歌曲还可以免费,合法的MP3下载的形式获得。


Mufin播放器 (Mufin Player)

If you have so much music that you store it on an external drive and don’t get around to listening to it much, may be what you need. “Mufin” stands for music finder. Mufin Player contains a music discovery engine that analyzes your music collection and allows you to sort and explore your music by sound. You may rediscover music you forgot you had and you can enjoy it all over again.

如果您有太多音乐以至于无法将其存储在外部驱动器上, 太多 , 可能需要 。 “ Mufin”代表音乐查找器。 Mufin Player包含一个音乐发现引擎,该引擎可以分析您的音乐收藏并允许您通过声音对音乐进行分类和浏览。 您可以重新发现忘记的音乐,然后可以再次欣赏。

You can also sign up for , which provides space in the cloud (mufin.drive) to store your music, in addition to other features. Mufin Player for Android is included in Mufin Player Pro, allowing you to manage the music on your phone as well as download your music stored on your mufin.drive to your phone.

您还可以注册 ,除了提供其他功能外,它还可以在云中提供空间(mufin.drive)来存储音乐。 Mufin Player Pro中包含适用于Android的Mufin Player,可让您管理手机上的音乐,以及将存储在mufin.drive中的音乐下载到手机上。


We can’t mention every site on the music site web, but here are some additional sites for listening to internet radio, streaming music, and discovering new music:


  • – Search for favorite artists or for playlists based on your mood.


  • – Listen to playlists based on your mood.


  • – Listen to a dynamic free internet radio service that streams the content from music blogs around the web.


  • – Use Mugasha at your party to play cool electronic music sets from DJs around the world.


  • – Select from a large collection of radio stations from around the world.


  • – Listen to an online music library of copyright-free (public domain) classical music.


If you’ve found a great source of internet radio or downloadable music we’ve not listed here, let us know.





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